Monday, February 26, 2007

抄書 vol.2: the practice of everyday life, michel de certeau

general introduction

[...]2. the tactics of practice

in the course of our research, the scheme, rather too neatly dichotomized, of the relations between consumers and the mechanisms of production has been diversified in relation to three kinds of concerns: the search for a problematics that could articulate the material collected; the description of a limited number of practices (reading, talking, walking, dwelling, cooking, etc.) considered to be particularly significant; and the extension of the analysis of these everyday operations to scientific fields apparently governed by another kind of logic. through the presentation of our investigation along these three lines, the overly schematic character of the general statement can be somewhat nuanced. [...]


popular cultures: ordinary language

[...]tales and legends seem to have the same role. they are deployed, like games, in a space outside of and isolated from daily competition, that of the past, the marvelous, the original. in that space can thus be revealed, dressed as gods or heroes, the models of good or bad ruses that can be used every day. moves, not truths, are recounted. [...]


the scriptural economy

[...]what is writing, then? i designate as "writing" the concrete activity that consists in constructing on its own, blank space (un espace propre) --- the page ---a text that has power over the exteriority from which it has first been isolated. at this elementary level, three elements are decisive. [...]


reading as poaching

[...]a misunderstood activity: reading

reading is only one aspect of consumption, but a fundamental one.[...]


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